يهدف هذا الوصف إلى التغذية المعرفية للمقياس،من خلال التطرق إلى مايلي. التعريف بعلم الاجتماع العام نشاته تعريفه،موصوعه،اهم،مؤسسيه،علاقته،بالعلوم،الاخرى،اهم نظرياته ثم التطرق إلى علم اجتماع المنظمات من خلال توضيح تاريخ،نشاته،ثم التطرق،إلى موضوعه الذي هو،المنظمة التي سنقوم بتعريفها وتوضيح،اهميتها،ثم سنتناول المرتكزات النظرية،التي سنناقش فيها اليات،استقرار التنظيم
The aim of this description is to provide cognitive nourishment for the scale by addressing the following:
Introduction to General Sociology: This includes defining the field of general sociology, its origins, definition, scope, significance, founders, its relationship with other sciences, and its most important theories.
Exploration of Organizational Sociology: This involves outlining its history and development. Then, we will delve into its central theme, which is the organization. We will define and elucidate its significance. Subsequently, we will discuss the theoretical foundations, where we will examine the mechanisms of organizational stability.
The aim of this description is to provide cognitive nourishment for the scale by addressing the following:
Introduction to General Sociology: This includes defining the field of general sociology, its origins, definition, scope, significance, founders, its relationship with other sciences, and its most important theories.
Exploration of Organizational Sociology: This involves outlining its history and development. Then, we will delve into its central theme, which is the organization. We will define and elucidate its significance. Subsequently, we will discuss the theoretical foundations, where we will examine the mechanisms of organizational stability.
- Teacher: عبد المالك همال
- Teacher: ياسين طالب